A circular economy with ISO 14001

The establishment of a circular economy involves many different dimensions. SCCM's information sheet discusses some of these dimensions and focuses only on the correlation with the ISO 14001 standard.

ISO 14001 Environmental Performance Scale

The ISO 14001 Environmental Performance Scale tool has been developed by SCCM to help organisations to obtain a good understanding of their environmental performance.

ISO 45001 published!

The International Standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S) has been published on 12 March.

ISO 45001 expected in March 2018

National standards bodies voted on the final draft international standard (FDIS) in a ballot that ended on 25 January. It was approved by 93% of them.

Setting up a management system in 10 steps

SCCM has developed a 10-step sequence to help you set up a management system according to ISO 14001 or OHSAS 18001 (ISO/DIS 45001)

Publication ISO 45001 expected in February 2018

Ballot FDIS starts on November 30, 2017.

ISO/DIS 45001.2 now available!

On May 19 ISO has made the draft of ISO/DIS 45001.2 available.

Read all about the development of ISO 45001

Find out all you need to know about the development of the new OH&S standard: ISO 45001.

NEW: Information about compliance with legislation and regulations

SCCM publishes two information booklets about compliance with legislation and regulations. One for users of occupational health and safety management systems and one for environmental management systems.


Search the database of certified organisations (Dutch):

ISO 14001 (3057) » 9321 sites ISO 45001 (498) » 2100 sites ISO 50001 (52) » 1079 sites EMAS (4) »
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