Implementing ISO 50001

Even if an organization does not have a formal management system, it will have laid down rules for many elements already, so it never has to start ‘from scratch’. A management system provides structure. Often, elements only need to be refined or augmented and better coordinated with each other.

Since the entire organization will ultimately be affected by the management system, for example in performing work or communicating with customers, the direct involvement of management is indispensable. Management is also responsible for the basic principles of compliance with legislation and regulations, and improving performance.

It is important when starting out to ask:

  • What operations, products or processes are covered by the energy management system? This may be all of an organization’s operations, or clearly delineated divisions.
  • Are the organization’s branch offices also covered by the same management system?
  • Are there other management systems in place with which integration is possible?
  • Who within the organization(s) is responsible for implementation of the system?
  • What is already in place, and what still needs to be done: how big is the gap?
  • Who within the organization must be involved (due to knowledge and/or support)?
  • Is external help still needed to set up the system?

The core of the energy management system is detailed knowledge of energy use (what comes in) and energy consumption (how is it consumed). This knowledge makes it possible to determine where improvements can be made, and lays the foundation for the other elements of the management system. ISO 50001 is directed primarily at the organization’s own energy consumption and not at energy consumption throughout the entire chain.


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