A circular economy with ISO 14001

The establishment of a circular economy involves many different dimensions. It has consequences for manufacturing companies, traders and distributors, as well as for users of the products (both business and private). The ISO 14001 standard is applied by organisations across a wide variety of industries, both industrial companies and service providers. Each of these organisations can anticipate this development in a different way through the environmental management system. This also applies to service providers. For example, by taking this into account when purchasing products. In this information sheet, a case at an administrative office reveals what the consequences might be for such an organisation.

Content information sheet

The motive for pursuing a circular economy and the urgency to do so are discussed in chapter 2. Chapter 3 of this information sheet discusses the relationship between a circular economy and the ISO 14001 standard. For various parts of the ISO 14001 standard it is indicated how each element relates to the realisation of a circular economy and what is the least that can be expected of an ISO 14001-certified organisation. The minimal expectation is that the organisation complies with the legal requirements. Therefore, chapter 4 provides insight into the laws and regulations and the government policy with regard to a circular economy at a national as well as at a European level. Chapter 5 elaborates on the tools that are available online for various subjects, such as the assessment of raw materials, for example. In chapter 6, the relationship between the ISO 14001 standard and the subject of circular economy in practice is demonstrated by means of two cases: one showing the impact for an industrial company and the other for a service provider.

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