Setting up a management system in 10 steps

This plan will help you set up a management system in a logical 10-step sequence. It is based on the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 for an environmental management system, and ISO 45001:2018 for an OH&S management system.

SCCM has drawn up certification schemes for ISO 14001, ISO 45001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 50001. These certification schemes give an interpretation of the standards. There is a broad base of support for the SCCM certification schemes due to the involvement of a large number of certification bodies, certified companies, government authorities and other interested parties.

In this 10-step sequence you will find many interesting and helpful links to our information booklets. Please scroll to the bottom of this page.


Links to the information booklets mentioned in the 10-step sequence:

Search the database of certified organisations (Dutch):

ISO 14001 (3063) » 9329 sites ISO 45001 (498) » 2105 sites ISO 50001 (51) » 1078 sites EMAS (4) »
the database directly