ISO 14001 Environmental Performance Scale

The ISO 14001 Environmental Performance Scale tool has been developed by SCCM to help organisations to obtain a good understanding of their environmental performance. With this tool, organisations can see at a glance where they stand, what their strengths and weaknesses are and where the environmental opportunities lie.

Please use the following links to download the tool, the explanation and the completed Environmental Performance Scale as an example:

Tool: ISO 14001 Environmental Performance Scale

Explanation: ISO 14001 Environmental Performance Scale

Example completed ISO 14001 Environmental performance Scale

Environmental Performance Scale in a nutshell

First a brief word about the Environmental Performance Scale. The tool consists of 24 questions, divided into four perspectives:

  • products/services
  • supply chain
  • means of production/facilities
  • process control/safety

The ISO 14001 Environmental Performance Scale is a free tool that can be used by any organisation. Everyone is free to use the instrument. By completing the ISO 14001 Environmental Performance Scale, you will gain more insight into the continuous improvement process within ISO 14001. The tool helps your organisation to define priorities and make choices regarding the implementation of the improvement process. In addition, it helps to get everyone ‘on the same page’. You can learn more about this in the detailed explanation of the tool.

The ISO 14001 Environmental Performance Scale has been elaborated in an Excel file containing 24 questions. The questions are explained with examples in a separate explanation. In addition to these two documents, there is also a completed ISO 14001 Environmental Performance Scale of a graphics company as an example. This example provides more insight into the way in which the questions can be answered. The results of the fully completed ISO 14001 Environmental Performance Scale can be entered into a diagram which provides insight into the scores from the four different perspectives. Thus, it becomes immediately visible where improvements are required. We have also recorded a webinar with an explanation about the Environmental Performance Scale. You can watch the webinar here (only in Dutch).


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